APRIL 2023

The Effectiveness of Tolerant Character Development in Local Wisdom Based-Social Science
Dr. Rasimin, M.Pd
Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i4n05

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This study aims to improve tolerant character through the application of a tolerant character development model based on local wisdom in social studies learning. The approach used in this study is mix methods. The model will be tested for effectiveness using the quasi-experiment method. The t-test is used to see the effectiveness of using this character development model. The respondents in this study were 353 students who were taken using purposive sampling and quota sampling techniques. The results showed that there was a significant mean difference between the control and experimental classes (sig.2-tailed=0.014 < 0.05). The effectiveness of this model is also confirmed by the competence of teachers who can generally deliver social studies learning using this tolerant character development model. The effectiveness of this model is shown markedly through an increase in the achievement of student learning outcomes and a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to fun for students during learning. The conducive classroom atmosphere reflects that the implementation of learning using this model falls into the category of excellent. The advantage of this model is that it makes the affective aspect the main target, the cognitive aspect and the psychomotor aspect become supporting factors


character, tolerant, social, local wisdom


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